My Happiest Cycling Experience!

Are you also a fan of cycling like I am? You should be because cycling is the easiest yet one of the most effective activities for a healthy life. Among the many advantages of cardiovascular exercise, cycling stands out as a low-impact option. Additionally, its variable intensity makes it adaptable to different skill levels of cycle specialties. You may ride a bike for fun, as a means of transportation, or as a serious sport.
Cycling is a great choice for getting in shape and staying active. It may also shape a psychologically and physically healthy lifestyle. People usually learn to cycle during childhood, and the same is true for me. Since I was a little kid, cycling or bike riding always fascinated me. The science behind the two wheels working in sync to create that balance… It was just something that boggled my mind. However, I was always afraid of this phenomenon. I could never ride a bike alone. I still remember fighting the urge to ride a 5th gear cycle because of my unending fear that I would fall off the bicycle or somebody would crash into me. But, as they say, you have to learn to overcome your fears: ‘Consume your fears before they consume you.’ And this was something my father understood better than I did back then.
After contemplating for some good years and seeing all the cycle specialties around me, finally, in my summer break from secondary school, I decided to learn cycling. Moreover, my father played a very important role in my decision because he was one of those dads who would keep himself fit, and cycling was a good exercise-cum-timepass for him on his days off. I still remember going to the park with him and watching him and his pals, with their cycling water bottles and gears, ride their bikes, racing and competing over who would first cross the finish line. That scene was exquisite and left me wanting my own ‘dad group’ one day when I grew up.
Extracurriculars were never my forte. I was a kid who you would call a ‘nerd’ because I have loved books all my life. However, my parents always pushed me to become outdoorsy because, as we know, the outdoors is just as important for kids as education is. Learning to ride a bike was a huge step for me since it forced me to leave my comfort zone. If it was up to me, I would keep my books in the cycle rear basket! Nonetheless, I decided to give it a shot because why not? All of my peers had a sport or an activity outdoors they were masters of, and honestly, that really made me feel uneasy about myself, as if I wasn't comfortable in my own skin.
My First Ride
I'll always remember the moment my dad showed me the ropes on my first bike. I learned how to ride a bike from him when I was twelve years old. Now, it might be a bit late for people, but hey, in my defense, I was a late bloomer, okay?
Just the first day, and let me tell you, it did not come easy! I was nervous and fearful that I might fall and get hurt. More than that, I was afraid that I might hit somebody else and break them! Yeah, I was a good-hearted kid. Anyway, after errors and trials, and with my father's utmost work, I got along with the cycling flow. I remember my father picking the safest bike for me to ride because he knew how fearful I was, and if this experience ended up in an injury, it would taint me for life.
I have read a lot of books on 5th gear cycle and how to ride it, and many have given a positive outlook on the overall experience. I used to think this was not something realistic and just explained in the books in a surreal way. However, I might have needed to correct it. The moment I fled on my own, without any support on the runway, there was a sudden change in the air. Yes, that happened! You can call it a fantasy of a kid who read books his whole life, but in reality, I was just as shocked as a 5-year-old learning to ride a bike his parents got him for Christmas!
The first few minutes passed slowly, and as I passed the greens and browns of the park, I could feel some of my fears shedding off my body. I still vividly remember it because it was just one of those moments you can never forget. While I was busy absorbing the emotions emitting through my once-in-a-lifetime experience, I got a sudden jolt of realization as some other kids my age passed me. Or should I say overtook me? It shuddered me, and I almost lost my balance, but my superhero dad was there to my rescue.
At that moment, a conversation was playing in the rewind at the back of my head. When I told my father that I wanted to start learning cycling, it came as a shock to him. Unlike my siblings, I was very cautious about what I did and always took maximum precautions. My dad knew this by now and gave me several small talks about the risks of cycling to prepare me for the worst outcome.
Importance of Safety Gear
Cycling is undoubtedly a great outdoor activity, but it should be done with caution. There are many big cycle specialties and legends, like Chris Froome and Lance Armstrong. On the other hand, we see a lot of stunt cycle specialties, which are pretty dangerous to see with wide cycling shoes. But with practice and appropriate gear including wide cycling shoes, cycling pants, and cycling lights for helmets, it can be made as safe as possible. So, to prepare me for my happiest cycling experience, my dad brought me some safety gear, including some cycling pants, and told me the significance of it.
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First things first, you need to have gloves in addition to the cycling pants on while cycling because, without them, you cannot cycle! With the summer heat and humidity (and fear), your hands can get sweaty, and you might lose your grip on the handle. For this purpose, we got Breathable Half-Finger Cycling Gloves, and they were honestly life-safers. I still have those from Feiwood Gear, just as new as that day, like my memories.
The next rule is always to wear a helmet. It would be better if you have cycling lights for helmets as it can help in the dark. All the warnings we see on TV and online are indeed very serious. Without a helmet, cycling lights for helmets, and cycling pants, it’s even illegal to ride a bike. My father got me a helmet and cycling lights for a helmet just my size, and it was a bit awkward at first as I felt like a watermelon was being fitted on my head, but soon after that, I got used to it.
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Probably the most important thing for a cycling ride is cycling glasses. Vision is humankind’s most important sense and for a good reason. While you are literally off the ground, paddling to maintain balance, all you need is a pair of good eyes. With wind blowing and dust coming here and there, you can easily lose sight and hence lose balance. So, kids, take my advice: Always wear your cycling glasses before you go out.
Last but not least, keep a cycling water bottle with you! I cannot stress enough the need to keep yourself hydrated while on the go. Especially in summer, you can easily get dehydrated, and this can cause unnecessary accidents. In fact, most of the collapses that happen in cycling marathons are because of this. When we went out to the park that day for my first cycling experience, we took all these things and a cycling water bottle with us, and trust me when I say I used each one of the things that we took. If you’re worried about keeping these things while cycling, use your cycle rear baskets.
Lifetime Experience and Learnings
That was the first time I cycled with my father, and ever since, I have become obsessed with cycling. It not only took away my fear but also gave me an outdoor activity in which I could refresh my mind and become active and healthy side by side. Another thing that I took away from that experience was never to underestimate the power of safety gear and a cycling water bottle. More is always less. We see every day in the news that so many accidents happen just because people don’t put enough thought into their safety. After that year, I cycled every summer and even throughout the year whenever I needed fresh air. This year marks ten years of my cycling experience, and I couldn't be more proud of myself.
In addition to the regulations put in place including cycling pants, cycling water bottle, and wide cycling shoes to ensure that I ride my bike responsibly, I mastered the art of pedaling without the aid of a trainer wheel. Moreover, my father instilled in me the value of perseverance, telling me to keep going even when I feel like giving up due to my own shortcomings. Despite the passage of ten years, I can still relive that day as if it had happened only yesterday because I still cycle the same paths and feel that gush of air touching my face all over again. To this day, I still consider this a highlight of my life, and I will always remember that lesson!
With that, I wish that I had started cycling earlier but I would never want to change my experience. Because of my experience, I am today able to enjoy every cycle ride like my first one.